Live Nation made a scene this past year when they announced that they would no longer be selling tickets to their shows through Ticketmaster and instead selling them through their very own Live Nation provider. Before this announcement Ticketmaster had been the main way to purchase tickets to shows online or via phone. Ticketmaster has also been known to have an absurd amount of extra charges on it's ticket stub. For example, a ticket listed on Ticketmaster for the price of $40.00 really ends up being around $55.00 after convenience charges, taxes, etc. Live Nation acknowledges the outcry from many consumers and decided to cut Ticketmaster out and provide tickets with very low extra charges. Many major artists have already signed with Live Nations new venture such as Madonna, Jay-Z and U2. This past week, Live Nation made an announcement that they have recently partnered up with Blockbuster and will be providing tickets for sale at many local Blockbuster locations starting in 2009. This new venture that Live Nation has taken goes to show that they are proving to be a worthy opponent to Ticketmaster.
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