Today, The Devil Wears Prada released their third full length record entitled "WIth Roots Above and Branches Below." Their latest release was put out by Ferret Records and features 11 new epic hardcore tracks. There are two versions of the album available. The standard edition which comes with the CD and the deluxe edition which comes with the CD and a DVD. The DVD portion offers an in depth making of "With Roots Above and Branches Below." Their third release brings a darker, more heavier Devil Wears Prada but also stays true to the unique sound they are famous for. "With Roots Above and Branches Below" is available at all major music stores and can also be purchased through Itunes. The Devil Wears Prada is currently on tour in support of the new album and will be back in So Cal for Vans Warped Tour. For more information on the band click here.
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